Casual picture of me in a balloon chair C. E. Brasseur

I am currently a PhD student studying with Professor Moira Jardine at the University of St Andrews. My research focuses on the magnetic fields of cool stars, specifically studying stellar coronas in the radio regime. In addition to stellar astronomy, I am a dedicated astronomical software developer with a particular interest in astronomical data sonification.


Stellar Magnetic Fields

AB Dor model magnetic field lines colored by magnetic field strength AB Dor model magnetic field lines colored with stellar prominences highlighted

I am using Zeeman-Dopper Imaging (ZDI) surface magnetic field maps of the fast-rotating young star AB Dor to model the magnetic field structure of the corona. Within the model I locate stellar prominences (cool, dense clouds of gas trapped within the million-degree plasma of a star's corona) and determine their mass. I am using these models in combination with observational data to test the overall stellar field structure and define the extent of the stellar corona.

Stellar Flares

Best flare Plot showing how much extra UV flux there must be in our galex flares
GALEX flare with associated Kepler data

In collaboration with Dr. Rachel Osten, I have produced two studies of stellar flares in the optical and near-ultraviolet. In Brasseur et al. 2019 we present a collection of short-duration ultra-violet flares in data from the GALEX space telescope. In Brasseur et al. 2023 we combine the GALEX data with coincident optical data from the Kepler space telescope. In this study we show that current flare models significantly underestimate the amont of UV radiation as compared to optical flux, and highlights the need for more physically grounded approximations for flare energy fractionation.

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I am one of three package maintainers for Astroquery, a set of tools for querying astronomical web forms and databases. It provides streamlined Python access to a plethora of astronomical archives and datasets, and is part of the Astropy Project.

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I am the lead developer and maintainer of Astronify, a package for sonifying astronomical data, particularly timeseries data such as light curves.

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I was the original developer (from inception until August 2021) of Astrocut, a package of cutout tools for astronomical data. It offers efficent cutouts of Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite full-frame image sets as well as more generic "fits-cut" tools. Astrocut is the software that backs the TESScut and zCut cutout services.


A selection of talks and tutorials that I have given for which there are materials available online.

Stellar magnetic field manifestations: flares

Presentation slides.

Stellar Flares in GALEX and Kepler

Presentation slides.

Cepheid Variable Stars in Globular Cluster NGC 1866

MSc dissertaion github repository and pdf.

Hearing the Light: Astronomical Data Sonification

Presentation video.

Hearing the Light: Astronomy Data Sonification

With Jenn Kotler and Scott Fleming. Presentation video.

Astronify: Listening to the Stars

Presentation video.

Astrocut: A cutout service for TESS full-frame image sets.

Presentation slides.

Work smart not hard: How Astrocut/TESScut efficiently cuts TESS full-frame image sets

Presentation video.

Accessing TESS Data Programmatically: A MAST case study

Software demo repository.

TESScut and ExoMAST: Working with TESS Time Series Data

Workshop repository.


I am also a composer. This is a selection of recordings of my pieces as well as my masters thesis.

Severed Ground

The Duck, A Songbird

Allowing for Ambiguity

Contested Reconstructions

Outside Over There

Ice Eden

Significant Other - soundtrack

Queer and Trans Identity in the Lives of Western Art Musicians

Masters Thesis